Coalition Of The Factual

by Sarah Darer Littman

Wednesday’s Where We Live with John Dankosky featured three members of the alphabet soup coalition that supports SB24 (CBIA, CCER, CAPSS, ConnCAN, CAS and CABE). 

Dankosky asked a great question – why aren’t teachers in their coalition, because that was what worked in New Haven. Bob Rader of Connecticut Association of Boards of Education replied: “Teachers have some different ideas and that’s why we’re seeing this rhetoric across the state.”

Click here to read the rest of this Op-Ed

AFT CT (American Federation of Teachers Connecticut) is committed to improving the quality of education for every child in the state. Education reform issues like teacher tenure, teacher certification, teacher evaluations, early childhood education, charter schools, school funding and more need input from all educators. PreK-12 teachers, paraprofessionals and school related personnel are working every day to improve learning and help students to grow. From urban schools in Connecticut, such as Hartford, New Britain, New Haven and Meriden, to suburban schools, such as, Bloomfield, Simsbury and Waterford,  to regional school districts, our members are working to provide quality education.